Thursday 13 May 2010

How do you attract/address your audience?

I had many pictures that i had taken for my poster so i didn’t need to go a full length in taken new ones for my magazine I looked at many of the images and I looked at which one would attract the audience the most and would basically immediately let you know this is a horror magazine.
I wanted to cause a sense irregularity through the pictures, making the audience believe that something uncharacteristic is happening because of the pictures suggest something is wrong. Its the aspects of this picture which make it effective, We used 'Photo-shop' to experiment on different effects that could add the pixels and we managed to slightly blur the facial features to add to the scary abnormal effect.
Through previous research, we already know that most horror magazine are aimed at male audiences this is shown through the text, slogans and choice of colour and colour schemes. E.g. the colour scheme for this magazine is black and red both of these colours relate to horror BLACK being the colour of darkness and RED being the colours of blood make a combination that subliminally makes this magazine effective and allows the audience to interpret without telling you.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Well considering having a film trailer, film poster and film magazine, I believe my media products would be distributed by a film company like ’Lions Gate’ a very well known distribution company. Trailers are used to advertise the main film give the audience an insight of what’s to come causes a bit of suspense film trailers are known as the most important marketing strategies for the film.
Having a distribution deal with a company like "Lions Gate" films who are famous company and have done horror films like ‘Day Breakers,’ ‘Dread’ and ‘Harry Brown’ This company has proven success for various films at different levels. This would suit the niche target audience of our low budget project. This could help our film because the name of the company is better known to audiences and a known to produce very good films. Trailers are a short film advertisement of new films, it gives hints about the story line, casting stars and the location of the movie, it can also gives you an incentive to watch this film by showing ratings and you also get comments from the magazine and from the news.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

I think have varied outlook within my media product so I decided to change the typically viewpoint of a horror film and its normal target audience, the common horror conventions mixed with a cast which is mainly black youths makes a different convergence of media which you can call 'Urban Horror'. It’s called this because our trailer takes place in a park in the city and we have used everyday lower-class students, from an urban city life and the setting is within a park in the city. A target audience is defined mainly by gender and age range and social background, country or urban, race, family status and special interests. These interests can include anything from political learning's to religion or the particular subject matter of the film. The age certificate is 15 so my age range for target audience will be young adults ranging between 15 to 30.
I think for a film to do well its best to appeal to different audience’s horrors usually targets white middle-class/young people which are mainly male, but my inclusion of Rap music does tend to relate to black working-class young people this broadens the range of my target audience. The decision to have a young black cast from the city allows urban audiences to relate with the characters and put themselves in the position because you rarely see proper horror films with them init, Myself and my group were trying to market new genre of media that could appeal to most and I think we was successful in doing so.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

My media texts are related in different ways, In the poster and magazine cover I used screenshots from clips and images of our main product to help our audience get a better picture of what’s to expect. The ancillary texts and main images offer more advertisement, as well as the trailer to give the audience a deeper feel to the magazine. A magazine can be used more than a trailer and poster it can be seen multiple times passed through to other family and friends. The magazine also offers more information on the film, for example spoilers coming up, interviews and information of what they might expect, or simply pictures of their starring characters this gives the audience more to think about because if it’s a well known actor their more likely to watch it. In the society we live in, when we like a media product we tend to want to know all there is about it including the stories, characters and actors involved so we search deeper and no we the current technology you could even find the text from the magazine on the website. On the magazine it has images chosen from the trailer, it directly relates the texts.

Tuesday 4 May 2010


Evaluation-We uploaded our trailer on youtube to know whether we did well and to get other people thoughts and ideas of how the trailer looks and were looking for comments so we could improve in future times. During the same week On Friday We also conducted a screening were we invited many people within out sixth form and teachers to view all of our media products and made questionnaires that ask the participants whether they liked the trailer, poster and magazine and having the choice to each one out of 10. our feedback was predominately very positive with everyone liking each part of my media products, this was good news because within the screening we made sure we had a diversity and contrast of age range which was between 16 up to 50 because teachers were invited too, our trailer was aimed at 15-30 year olds our target audience but every one liked it meaning we succeeded in engaging the audience and we met out target audience.

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

This Is My Groups Completed magazine->

Research- As a group we used to look at trailers and to see the contrast convention, shots and characteristics of horror that were shown within most of them. Then we discussed ideas and thought about how we can create our own horror convention which leads to the creation of the 'URBAN HORROR’. We used a video camera to record images that compare to ones we've seen within other horror trailers like 'Blair witch project’. We used sections to create our own horror trailer of the film, adding music. we then used I-movie to decide on what scenes and shots were good and also to play around and put things together in an attempt to meet horror conventions that will attract an audience also I-movie allowed us to use different transitions that can even out each scene making it seem more authentic you can also add effects like adjusting the tones of certain frames to help with the conventions of horror e.g. dark shady tones, red colourings that relate to blood and warning.For my Magazine and poster I looked at many examples on images where i was influenced from seeing some of these and understanding the conventions that i had to follow in order to attract my audience.’ Photo-shop' that was the software suitable for me to achieve in making substantial Ancillary texts to try and get the same layout and professional look that other world known magazines and posters have.




My poster is finished and I have a image of it(below), I’ve stuck to the conventions of a horror poster by using the main image to attract my audience, darker and bland colour schemes and odd text which is suitable for a horror poster and if you can see I used the text from the trailer don’t go there which helps bring it back to the urban feel.. The image of (Daniel) looking scared and screaming also helps giving it the horror feeling to help attract the audience.