Tuesday 4 May 2010


Evaluation-We uploaded our trailer on youtube to know whether we did well and to get other people thoughts and ideas of how the trailer looks and were looking for comments so we could improve in future times. During the same week On Friday We also conducted a screening were we invited many people within out sixth form and teachers to view all of our media products and made questionnaires that ask the participants whether they liked the trailer, poster and magazine and having the choice to each one out of 10. our feedback was predominately very positive with everyone liking each part of my media products, this was good news because within the screening we made sure we had a diversity and contrast of age range which was between 16 up to 50 because teachers were invited too, our trailer was aimed at 15-30 year olds our target audience but every one liked it meaning we succeeded in engaging the audience and we met out target audience.

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