Thursday 13 May 2010

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Well considering having a film trailer, film poster and film magazine, I believe my media products would be distributed by a film company like ’Lions Gate’ a very well known distribution company. Trailers are used to advertise the main film give the audience an insight of what’s to come causes a bit of suspense film trailers are known as the most important marketing strategies for the film.
Having a distribution deal with a company like "Lions Gate" films who are famous company and have done horror films like ‘Day Breakers,’ ‘Dread’ and ‘Harry Brown’ This company has proven success for various films at different levels. This would suit the niche target audience of our low budget project. This could help our film because the name of the company is better known to audiences and a known to produce very good films. Trailers are a short film advertisement of new films, it gives hints about the story line, casting stars and the location of the movie, it can also gives you an incentive to watch this film by showing ratings and you also get comments from the magazine and from the news.

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